Message from Wallas

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Thank you for taking time to visit our site.

This is a site where you will be able to purchase our products and services, built with functionality focus first. Does it work for you?

I don’t know if I am the only one who thinks the word “technology” has been distorted over time. In my view all technology is, is the packaging of greatness in a manner that is useful and usable to people. With our site we hope to bring  you that,  with more efficiency, more tools and more productivity. is not something that we were thinking about 2 years ago. When we started talking to different players in the travel space while pushing our product, we were proposed by the transporters association to move the in-country ticketing services to a new platform where we can potentially venture together with a Kinyarwanda sounding name and feel. We went through a voting process of different names and was the winner.

While we are still working on finalizing all the details of the joint venture, we are positive that this in a few years will be the go to place for browsing tickets, acquiring tickets and finding travel information in general. Our goal is to build a product that will work alongside already existing means of booking where our clientele will primarily be high end customers who are interested in saving time and travel with comfort.

We anticipate multiple challenges along the way but even much more opportunity and reward as we make it possible and ubiquitous for anyone traveling to book on our platform.

I can’t be more excited for what we will build together with you. Please reach out to us if any questions or suggestions.

With Regards,
